The Importance of Networking

& Joining Relevant Industry Associations

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When looking for a job it’s important not to confine yourself to job boards or just contacting employers directly. Networking and joining relevant associations are other great ways to meet relevant people in your field who just might lead to a new role.

Meeting relevant people is incredibly important! Why? Because many job seekers win jobs because they knew the right people.

Here’s what to do and not do – Networking & job boards subscriptions:

  1. Go to functions and mingle (it’s called networking). There’s a smart way of networking….read below.
  2. Do not attend functions and talk to one group of people all night! Spread yourself around. The more people you talk to the better.
  3. Tell people that you’re looking for work! And ask if they know anyone who can help you. You might be surprised what people do when you ask for their help.
  4. Have a well-rehearsed 30 second statement on the reasons someone should hire you.
  5. Go with professional looking personal cards and hand them out – otherwise people might forget about you.
  6. Ensure that your card has all your contact details and a nice hand written message on the back reminding the recipient that you’re looking for work.
  7. Ask for people’s cards! You can then get in touch with them afterwards – this is crucial.
  8. When you do follow up always ask if they know someone else in the industry who might be hiring.

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